Transphobia: It's not a BACKLASH, It's a TANTRUM - Design

Stylised text against a black rhombus that reads "Transphobia: It's not a BACKLASH, It's a TANTRUM". The word "TANTRUM" is somewhat glitchy and erratic.

Transphobia has no basis in logic, a fact that is becoming increasingly evident of late. It seems barely a day goes by when hatemongers are throwing their dummies out of the pram at the tiniest thing, like a major figure being given a single can to promote their beer or an inclusive swimsuit offers benefits for trans people and cis women alike. Equally ridiculous is the fact that news outlets try to legitimise this as a “backlash” when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

This design was created using Aseprite, using an Teletext-reminiscent palette.

It’s also up on my shop!

This work ©2023 by Johanna Decker is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0